#1 - Join the adventure
Hola amigos !
Our first flight is booked : we leave for Peru September 5th. We will work in a farm located in the Luya region - between the Andes and the Amazonian forest, north of the country - for 3 weeks. Next step : Ecuador ! We did not plan to stay there, but a farming opporutnity came to us and we decided to seize it . We let ourselves 5 months to go from Lima to Mexico, crossing all Central America countries. An undoubtedly intense trip : the Travelling Farmers don't leave to rest !
Working in farms allows us to be fed and housed for free. Thus we don't expect to spend a lot of money. However, some spending are inevitable, like journeys (it's a looong way to go to Mexico from Lima by bus!). That's why we organized a crowdfunding campaign.
We will have minimal expenses : we leave with a tent, we expect to be house an fed in farms, and will do couchsurfing in cities we will go by. We have a 15,000€ budget - for both of us. Aside from the subsidies we got and our personal fundings, we also rely on you to help us realize our dream.
Join the adventure : http://www.leetchi.com/c/association-de-travelling-farmers